
“Visit Sacramento's social media soared to new heights when Faith began managing and curating content for our Instagram accounts. She brought a deeper level of what social media could and should be, even though it was still in its wild west phase. Her understanding of the platform, both technical and human, combined with a creative eye and passion for Sacramento were the perfect mix to grow our audience and influence. I'm happy to say that Faith is part of Visit Sacramento's social media team.”


"Faith is world-class smart, very pleasant to work with, and a triple threat who knows photography, copy writing and what drives engagement, likes and followers in the Instagram world.  In 30 years in this business, she’s one of the best hiring decisions I’ve ever made.  Heartily recommend."


When I joined Visit Placer, one of my first initiatives was to address our social media channels, which were in disarray. We couldn’t be more pleased with Faith’s work. The company provides coordinated guidance, reengaged our local online community, curates our feeds and stories, created a sustainable and organically grown community of followers, and cultivates a large and growing network of authentic influencers who are thrilled to be featured on our channels. That is the foundation upon which all successful DMO’s operate.”